All yoga classes are ha-tha yoga style. Emphasis is given to drawing individual’s attention to the breath and combining it with movement, which is felt from within.

Students are working from where they are in terms of physical abilities and level of awareness. It doesn’t matter if you are a complete beginner or an advanced practitioner. Yoga is not about mastering a posture, it’s a tool of personal transformation. We use postures and movement to free ourselves from held patterns, so we become lighter in both body and mind.

During each class we will explore our relationship with the ground and learn how to use gravity and breath to improve our posture. You will become more aware of your postural habits and learn how to develop better relationship between different segments of your body.

You will learn some asana (yoga postures) that will improve flexibility and develop strength, ease breathing and reduce stress and tension.

We will learn to recognise that our physical body is a visible manifestation of more subtle levels – energy (chi, prana), mental and spiritual. We will apply a variety of tapping and acupressure massage techniques on energy points and meridians to bring our energy into a more balanced state.


We will also include exploration of some concepts from yoga philosophy, simple chanting and pranayama (breathing techniques) to harmonise and balance our body and mind.


We will finish the class with a guided relaxation.

At the end of the class you will feel relaxed and energised.


What Do you need:

 Yoga mat and fleece blanket, blocks to sit on (optional)

If you do not have a yoga mat, please let me know and I can bring one ready for you.


How to pay 


Payments by cash, chequie or bank transfer ( please ask for details)



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