Welcome to Thai Massage in Brighton and Hove

Thai Yoga massage combines acupressure with gentle stretch movements and is beneficial for people of all ages.

It can:

Relieve back, neck and sciatic nerve pain

Help to alleviate muscle aches and tension

Provide relief from migraines and headaches

Restore emotional, mental and physical balance

Increase joint mobility and flexibility

Energise and relax your body

Your Thai Yoga massage session
I work from my therapy room in Patcham and offer sessions for:
1 hour- £55
1.5 hours – £80
2 hours – £100

Thai Yoga Massage is given with the client fully clothed and lying on a futon mattress on the floor.

Throughout this holistic massage treatment the therapist will apply rhythmic gentle thumb and palm pressure along the body energy lines  releasing  blocked energy thus improving health and vitality.

The therapist will also carefully move you into positions similar to yoga postures for a variety of relaxing stretches. Thai Yoga massage is sometimes called – ‘moving meditation’. The therapist works in a meditative state of Metta or Loving Kindness during the massage.

At the clients request, we use herbal compresses contain a variety of Thai herbs, including ginger, eucalyptus leaves, camphor, turmeric root.

They work really well on the neck area, hips and back muscles. They help to soothe tight muscles and relax your body and mind

They also cleanse our energy body. Clearing these channels and nourishing the organs will restore health.

Visit us

We are based in Brighton, UK

Call us

01273 241204

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07886 473917 (mobile)

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